About us


This is us: a creative, cohesive and close-knit team. We like to play with work because play develops creativity!

Susanna Vitelli

Executive senior account / Production supervisor 

She was born on television in 1979 at Reteitalia (it wasn't even Fininvest yet) where she was in charge of buying rights, a job she continued (with some interruptions to be a full-time mother) at Tele+, now Sky Italia, where she also helped create Tele+Bambini. She then worked on the launch of Disney Channel Italia . And then Fastweb's VOD and the AXN Sony channel, of which she took over general management.  3Zero2 is his most recent adventure, until 2020, where he is in charge of business development and the search for new formats.

A word of advice: don't contradict her, she is always right, she is from Milan!


Maurizio Spagliardi

Creative Director / Director/ Co-Founder

He took his first steps in show business on television as an assistant director. After a few years of "hard" apprenticeships, he managed to conquer the role of director and directed numerous live and recorded TV programmes for Mediaset, Rai, Fox, Disney Channel, FX, Sky. He takes care of the creative side of large conventions around the world. In 2012 he moved to Berlin where he is involved in the production of documentaries, music videos and video installations.

He is most comfortable when he is on a plane, possibly on an intercontinental route.


Elisa Aldini

Art Director / Graphic Designer / Co-Founder

Always in the field of television communication, she follows projects from the initial brief to the final post-production, also taking care of client management with remarkable interpersonal skills. Equipped with great technical (motion graphics and video editing) and artistic skills, she specialises in the conception and realisation of images and graphic animations, which she follows with maniacal precision. But she is also pleasant.                                                                                             

Her greatest passion? Spritz!



Autrice / conduttrice.

Giornalista professionista, prima in Rai e poi al Sole 24 ore, ha successivamente vestito la toga, come avvocato abilitato, del giudice arbitro di Forum, programma Mediaset di grande successo. É anche mediatrice penale e familiare e, come esperta sui temi delle relazioni familiari, ha fatto parte del cast di “Nei tuoi panni” su Rai 2. Oggi é mediAttrice scolastica e, al motto di “dimmi come litighi e ti dirò chi sei”, forma grandi e piccoli alla comunicazione efficace e all’ ascolto attivo. Da piccolissima non sorrideva mai, poi ha scoperto la piacevolezza dei sorrisi dati e ricevuti (e il suo é veramente incantevole). Ma soprattutto non é mai stanca di scoprire cose nuove.

Con lei le emozioni vanno in scena


Paola Guazzo

Author writer and publisher 

She has been teaching queer studies at Boston University (Padua branch) and worked on the editorial staff of the contemporary history magazine 'Zapruder, Stories in Motion'. Collaborator of gaynews.it. Among his publications: The lesbian movement in Italy; A myth in its own way; Lesbian resistance in Nazi-fascist Europe; Pride and Prejudice: lesbians in Italy in 2010; A testa altra; Homosexuality in Italian literature, society and culture 1789-1919; The earth is not flat. The lgbtiq world, plural feminisms and exclusionary feminisms.

A touch of class

Francesco Longo


He graduated from the Academy of Costume Design in Rome and worked for years as costume designer for theatre and opera productions. He continued his activity in television for various Sky, Fox and FX productions. In 2012 he moved to Berlin where he works as an author and presenter of travel documentaries. Since 2019 he has been hosting and producing the programme "Cooking with Mr D".  

International glamour, darling. 

Melanie Pichler


Nasce a Bolzano ma vive da sempre a Berlino, dove ha studiato fotografia al Lette-Verein. Lavora nel campo del foto design, del restauro fotografico e della fotografia con un approccio cross-topic e con la gestione dei materiali analogici e digitali É anche esperta nello sviluppo di flussi di lavoro per metadati cinematografici.

Ha già anche un’ alternativa, per salvarsi dal mondo dello spettacolo: é un’ affermata apicultrice.

Gianluca Manna


He was born and has been drawing in Rome since 1967. He studied illustration at the IED in Rome. As an illustrator and graphic designer he began as a freelancer and later joined B-Side, a graphic studio in Rome whose clients include Greenpeace, Unicef, Enea, AIL, Federalimentare, among others.
He is a specialist in logo design and illustration.

At the same time, he cultivates a secret passion: he wants to be Doraemon when he grows up.

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